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aluterus monoceros in Chinese

How to pronounce "aluterus monoceros""aluterus monoceros" in a sentence

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  • 单角革单棘鲀, 单角革单棘鲀;单角革鲀;白达仔;一角剥;薄叶剥;光复鱼;剥皮鱼;狄仔鱼, 薄药单棘鲀


  • According to the seasonal variation analysis, the fishing seasons of amberjack ( seriola dumerili ), yellow-fin trevally ( caranx ignobilis ), blue-striped runner ( elagatis bipinnulatus ), big-eyed scad ( trachurops macrophthalmus ), korean mackerel ( scomberomorus koreanus ), chinese mackerel ( s . sinensis ), hairtail ( trichiurus haumela ), unicorn filefish ( aluterus monoceros ), angel sharks ( scoliodon walbeemii ), round scad ( decapterus maruadsi ) and small spot pompano ( trachinotus baillonii ) were significantly affected by different types of set-net construction
What is the meaning of aluterus monoceros in Chinese and how to say aluterus monoceros in Chinese? aluterus monoceros Chinese meaning, aluterus monoceros的中文aluterus monoceros的中文aluterus monoceros的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.